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All is Felt pt. 3

Happy Tuesday!

This week's installment of All is Felt conveys the essence of what I feel it means to be truly understood.

Epiphany is about my journey to discovering my true self.

A lot has happened since my last post (more details coming soon!)

I feel compelled to share a Scripture this week:

"God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him." ~ James 1:12-13



By Kenya Cummins

I am a soul inside a body

But when they see me

It is not my love of movies

Or my passion for creative writing

Or the way my heart jumps when my favorite song plays

That is not what they see

What they see first, is my brown skin

My curly brown hair

My resemblance to a race rich in beauty and greatness

Some think that my chocolate body

Is a symbol of inferiority

I wonder what else they think of me

What else don’t they know about me?

I am a soul inside a body

I want the world to see me for my soul

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