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All is Felt pt.2

This Wednesday's installment is a poem about yours truly. :)

I wrote this one several years ago, and while I've grown leaps and bounds personally, spiritually and mentally since 2012, it still describes me well.

It's so important to embrace your truth. I have discovered myself and re-discovered myself just in the few summer months that recently came to an end. Self-reflection is vital to your personal evolution.

I hope reading this inspires you to reflect on how far you, too have come.

Who knows? You might even write a poem about it. :)

“Who am I?”

Written: 3/3/12

By Kenya Cummins

Thick black hair

Dark brown eyes

Smooth, chocolate skin

Creative thoughts

A thoughtful friend

Is what you’ll find within

Clever as she is, she is often quiet

Blending into the air

Have you ever seen such a person?

Can you picture her, here or anywhere?

Thick, black hair

Dark brown eyes

But there’s so much more to tell

You should take a trip into her heart

There’s such a story to tell

But all of it is guarded

Beneath a beautiful shell

Can you guess who she is?

Who could she be?

When you think of her, picture ME

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