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Not all is said, but all is felt.


I have been writing poetry since middle school, and I am glad to have the opportunity through Ebony Einstein to share original works with a larger audience.

Some of what I share is taken from the pages of journals stacked in my closet, and some of it is just written "stream-of-consciousness" style.  


The first poem that I am going to share is "To Love is to Catch a Glimpse of Heaven". In 2012 I entered it into a contest with the America Library of Poetry. While it did not place, it was published in a book along with other notable poems from scholars across the country. 


It was my first time ever being published and a tremendous accomplishment for me on my journey to becoming an author.



“To Love is to Catch a Glimpse of Heaven”

By Kenya Cummins

To love is to catch a glimpse of Heaven

It’s something that is always held dear

To love is to understand others

How we’ve all come together from far and near

Love is fragile, like a glass vase

Ever on the edge and ready to tip

To love is to catch a star and set it free

And no matter how high and far away it is

You will always hold it in your heart somehow

Because you know that that is YOUR star

And your star knows it, too

To love is to catch a glimpse of Heaven

A Heaven FULL of your stars

Everything you’ve ever seen

Every place you’ve ever been

Every person you’ve ever loved

Is a star in Heaven

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