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The Vision

The future of Ebony Einstein

It is such a fulfilling feeling to see your dreams manifest into reality.

The vision of Ebony Einstein came to me one late night in the summer of 2016. I felt God leading me to create a platform that educates, empowers and inspires young women to embrace their identity and authentic voice. 

One of the most impactful experiences I've had was being a student at Kumon Math and Reading Center. Initially, I was resistant to have an extra set of homework to do, but gradually, I understood that it was an investment in my future. I had the opportunity to work at Kumon as a tutor, and the opportunity to give back was deeply influential. I enjoyed the job because of the connections I made with the students. As I reflected on the children I worked with, I discovered my passion for inspiring youth to embrace their individual voice and aspire to excellence. 

I am proud to announce that this blog has expanded into a community outreach series at the Boys & Girls Club.

Please check out my blog post where I detail this outreach series.


I plan to continue to grow Ebony Einstein into an organization that promotes scholarship, creativity and unity amongst black youth through symposiums, community service and the arts. 

I'm excited for you to join me as Ebony Einstein grows and flourishes. 

Educate. Empower. Inspire.

 "To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."

~ Anatole France

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