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Nate Parker Summer Film Institute

[This post is a direct copy of the official press release I wrote for the Nate Parker Summer Film Institute in the summer of 2017]

The Nate Parker Foundation and Wiley College welcomed their sophomore class of aspiring filmmakers, continuing a legacy of activism through the cinematic arts.

Marshall, TX – July 9-16, 2017: Propelled by the success of their inaugural class last year, the Nate Parker Summer Film Institute and Wiley College welcomed their second class of aspiring filmmakers with a mission to empower young voices of African descent to advance social justice and revolutionize culture through the cinematic arts. An esteemed team of instructors comprised of educators, film industry professionals, and Institute alumni provided support and resources to the 22 student participants, through comprehensive filmmaking workshops and hands-on training in screenwriting, directing, cinematography, acting and producing.

Participant Branden Lindsay, a student at William Carey University, stated: “This Film Institute was the most phenomenal experience I’ve ever had. I’ve learned so much about myself and my craft. Nate is creating a revolution that is educating young leaders to use their gifts in order to create change. That is exactly what I want to do.” Following a pitch session, Lindsay’s short film idea called Baggage was selected, which explores the relationship of two sisters divided by colorism.

The Institute’s sophomore class includes poets, photographers, spoken word artists and members of the world-renown Wiley Forensic Society (recognized in the 2007 film The Great Debaters). The aspiring filmmakers were selected based on essays and short stories addressing the lack of diversity in film. This Institute is a part of Wiley College’s long-term plan of launching the Nate Parker School of Drama and Theatre.

Benefactor and namesake of the Institute, actor, director and producer Nate Parker, expressed the significance of the program in saying, "Transforming the industry to look more like America won't just benefit those individuals; it will benefit the communities they come from and the industry itself. The first step towards making this a reality is to open the doors of opportunity to young people, empowering them with the skills they need and inspiring them to pursue their passion."

The Nate Parker Summer Film Institute serves as a nurturing space for young artists and stands as an example that the film industry can be transformed by equipping minority filmmakers to be change agents. Alumni of last year’s institute have gone on to create their own short films, attend prestigious universities, intern with professional filmmakers, and reach their communities through arts education.

Check out my post "Thoughtful Reflections: NPSFI" where I discuss the wonderful experiences of working with this program for two summers in a row! :)


The Nate Parker Foundation leverages film and philanthropy to transform the quality of Black lives through education, social justice, and economic empowerment.


The Nate Parker Foundation


1130 Bedford Ave, #36

Brooklyn, NY 11216

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